Pōkeno Main Street Project Update - 02 April 2024

Kia ora everyone, I hope you’ve enjoyed another short week and are ready to set those clocks back. It’s been more good progress on the Main St project.

What’s happened this week:

Main St

  • The block paving has continued this week and looks brilliant. The primary pattern is complete and will sit well in the finished Main Street. Continuous ground prep is happening as the paving team move north up the footpath.

  • The old paving blocks were removed on Marlborough Street and replaced with fresh concrete. This provides a long-term solution that will butt nicely into the paved Main St.

  • Following successful inspections last week downpipes from the shops have been tied into the Inspection chamber manhole, and have been backfilled.

  • We extended ducting into the garden areas (where street lighting will eventually be placed) and installed traffic signal pits. 


  • A lot of frustration this week as we’ve been stalled by the discovery of asbestos piping underground. While last weeks’ discovery was contained and removed, we won’t be digging until site clearance is given. Although that’s a major disappointment for the crew it allows us to get ahead of some design and planning work for the stormwater layout.

  • It’s important to note that the asbestos pipes are no threat to anyone outside of the worksite. Our workers however are in direct contact with these pipes and we’re not keen to expose them to any harm while doing their jobs. 

What’s happening over the next week or 2:

Main St

  • Lots more ground prep and laying of block pavers as we move down the worksite and eventually over the temporary fence to work shop-side. 

  • Laying pavers at shop fronts is a different space to manage as we’ll be in the same vicinity as the public. 

  • Expect to see our paving team working directly in front of shops (inside low orange traffic barriers), and an access way to each shop cordoned off. WE WILL ALWAYS MAINTAIN ACCESS TO SHOPS. To minimise disruption there may be some early morning shifts to pave the direct access ways to shops. 

  • This will be very fluid (changing constantly). Our team will remain mindful of the public and direct foot traffic. We’ll stay in communication with shop owners as required. 

  • Traffic light poles and power boxes are expected to be installed next week also.


  • It’s going to look quiet on site until we are cleared to go – at this stage there’s no confirmed day of the week for this. Design work will be full steam ahead and happening offsite. Rest assured that once the ok is given we will be into it!  

Enjoy your weekend (if you get one) and please contact me directly with any questions or concerns. If I don’t have the answer I can find it for you!