Crystal Katipa-Cherrington
My name is Crystal Katipa-Cherrington, I am one of the new members Elected on the Pokeno Community committee (PCC) representing Mana Whenua in this space. I am mother of three teenagers who currently attend kura in Pukekohe. I was raised in Pokeno all my life and still live in Pokeno on Market Street. I have seen Pokeno grow rapidly over the last few years and seen the drastic changes the developments has done to our once quiet village now a mini town only to get bigger. I have a passion for the enviroment (Taiao) and the wellbeing of the people.
So for me I am bring to the community committee my knowledge and experience to help improve the Environmental space within Pokeno to make sure that the infrastructure is sustainable for the growing population an be the constant voice for our environment that we live in.
My whakaro that I live by is "If the enviroment is healthy and flourishing, the people will be healthy and flourish. If the enviroment is Pāru (Dirty, Polluted) the people is Pāru".
So with that said, while I'm in this space I will be the voice for the people to ensure our environment gets clean and safe for our children and grandchildren to make our community a better place to raise family an flourish once again.
Nga mihi
Crystal Katipa-Cherrington