Title: Pokeno goes Digital!  Sign up and be into Win!

How to Join:

1.       Fill Up the online Registration Form on the website for the following questions:

a.       Name:

b.       Address:

c.       Contact Number

d.       Email Address

e.       What would like to see in our Pokeno Community Website


1.      What is “POKENO goes Digital” Campaign?

The Pokeno Committee Team is launching our local community website through the Waikato District Council funding partnership.

2.    Who are qualified to join the raffle?

All Pokeno residents and neighbouring towns are qualified to join the raffle.

3.    How to join the raffle?

 Visit and fill up the online form

All qualified raffle entrants are automatically joined into the raffle once they successfully complete the required online forms.

4.    When is the deadline of submission of entries?

 Competition starts on 13 October 2022 at 1 AM

The deadline for entry into the raffle will be on 02 November 2022 at 12 midnight.

5.    When is the schedule and where is the venue of the raffle draw?

The draw will be held on 03 November 2022 at 11 AM in the  Pokeno Hall which will be represented and witnessed by the Pokeno Community Committee.

6.    How are the winners notified and announced?

 A list of winners will be generated and posted at the Pokeno Community website on the 04 November 2022. In addition to the posting of the winners in the Pokeno Community website, an email will be sent out to the registered email of each winner.

 7.    Where and how are prizes can be claimed?

Prizes can be claimed any time on 05 November, 2022 at  Pokeno Bacon - Great South Road, Pokeno

8.    Can a respondent win multiple times?

 Only one prize can be won by one verified respondent. 

 9.     Raffle prizes:

There will be 12 lucky winners that will be picked during the raffle draw! 

Bring MAGIC! to our Pokeno Community